Are there times when you think you have gotten over a crush you had long long time ago, and then realise that sometimes you can still find the ability to miss them?
Well, it's not that I still think of them all the time.
Of course, missing friends is a different thing.
Missing the feeling that you experienced during that period of time is another thing.
Did you ever feel a tinge of heartache when you see some random pictures of that person?
Did you ever end up rememebering the stupid things you'd do to get the person's attention?
Have you ever wondered how different the future would be if you ended up with that person or if you didn't have a crush on that person?
I've been thinking.
It may have been a really sad thing then. But, I guess that's a part of your memory that couldn't be changed.
Really, if it wasn't because of their very existence, school would not have been the same.... my life would not have been the same.... I would not have been the same...
i guess your questions are intended rhetorically. otherwise my pattern of answering would be "No, Yes, Yes, Yes".
after a long while you'll realize what defining challenges can build the stronger character in all of us. i've, too, survived the self-loathing part and tried overlooking the myth that is "He's The One".
in summary , i would like to think that i will have traveled the better path without rushing to bank my emotions on a flickering node of boy-girl relationship. it's the only consolation to a heart that has bled for such matters in the past and to move on to a hopefully brighter tomorrow. friends will always be there to help piece things into perspective again. also love doesnt grow on just 1 guy !! =D .thats us being the fickle lovers God has made us to be. oops did i cross any line ? sorry if i did. but cheer up yo ! feast your eyes on the stunning architecture ie glasgow medical campus ! 0_0
I guess everyone have their different point of views. But, one thing for sure I'm definitely not wallowing in some lovesick feeling, no worries. Just a flicker of memory passing by... anyway, thanks for ur comment. :)
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