Saturday, February 28, 2009

It's One of Those Days

It's one of those days. Those days that I felt like an empty shell. I feel like there's nothing inside of me. An emptiness so void I do not know where I've placed it. A feeling so lost I just wander hopelessly. I feel the inability to show expressions. A feeling so numb that I don't even care anymore. When I'm alone, I feel lonely. A heartache so bad it hurts. A pain so bad you need to cry. You wonder why such a pain even exist. I think, I need to get out. But, I might just feel lonelier. I don't even know what's going through my mind. So many things, so many unnecessary things. Things that hurts. Fills my mind. I need to get it out. But, the more I try to suppress it, the more I think about it. The more it hurts. It's a feeling no one understands. It's a mind of your own. It's a feeling of your own. Though the experience may be similar but it's not the same. Cause you are not me. It's impossible to say you understand. No matter how close it is. These tears I cry are not the same as those that you cry. But it's a choice a made. I path I chose. I road I took. There's no place for regrets. But still, a heartache is a heartache. There's no way I can make it go away. Not yet. Maybe in years to come. But not yet.

It's one of those days that never felt emptier.


Jeremy Nunis said...

Why so sad lei... Winter depression getting to u... U can always mail me if u wanna talk :)

BaByStEpHiE said...

thanks. :) but i'm fine right it's alright. ya, it's still snowing...and i thought spring would b here..