Sunday, July 15, 2007


Yeah, I passed.

If not, I won't be blogging. And I will not be mugging in front of my computer watching countless movies and animes and mangas and playing computer games, totally negleting my resposibility to clean my house.

Yupz. I will probably be going out every single day too, and for no reason, just because I want to. :)

Yupz, I guess I should be happy.


sinlerongpo said...

Seems like you did well! You sound so happy... :)

BaByStEpHiE said...


gefallener Engel said...

congrats!!!!!! so happy 4 ya! then we can enjoy this weekend! how about celebrating your passing your exam at secret recipe?? my treat ^o^

BaByStEpHiE said...

lol..i tot sushi king???
okla..secret recipe also can la..haven been thr 4 veri long time..