I got a tattoo!!!! Lookie..

It's on my right wrist. Cool? Hehe

It's a heart. Flaming heart, to be precise.

I am so proud of myself. Got it for, I would say, quite expensive. RM15.

Sorry for the upside down views. They're easier to take.. Nice?
P/S: Ohh..just in case you still didn't know, it's temporary. Lasts for 1-2 weeks. Hehe...
No, be relieved I didn't turn into a bad girl. :)
P/P/S: Im going Genting tomorrow. Wuahaha...post exam syndrome.
omg stephie!!! wat happened to you!?!?! well, it's proven that you need my positive influence huh? ;-P
wat la...i think i wan to get real tattoo...
ok then, they say if u can't beat 'em, join 'em. let's get tattoos 2gether!
yoohoo!!!! yeahh!!!
lol... what bad influence... she is hanging out with future doctors isn't she...
wat la...doctors r also human..and not as if im making one smack right on my face or smth..
lol... i only said that doctors are supposedly to be a good influence... they are the one who study smart right? If not, how on earth could they get the licence to medicate?
lol... no offence lo
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