Thursday, November 15, 2007


Time flies. Agree?

I'm already in Sem 4. So fast...
It feels like yesterday that I'd just stepped into IMU.
Memories of Orientation is still fresh.
The panic during EOS 1 is still lingering.
Fun in KKB in Sem 2 is still felt.
All the celebrations last year felt so new..

Now we're celebrating the same thing for year 2007..
I had just gotten used to writing 2007 instead of 2006..
Now I have to start setting my mind for 2008 already..
Christmas is coming!!!
But that also means that the new year is coming soon...sigh
Worse is that we are ending our phase in IMU soon..
Today they had the elections for some posts for the IMU Ball and Convo Mag...
This means we'll be graduating soon..
And I'll be leaving soon...
Leaving my friends behind...

Time waits for no one..


sinlerongpo said...

you are graduating already ? ... wow... that is so cool...

and where will you be leaving to ?

BaByStEpHiE said...

actually mid next year la.. haha
duno choice made

Anonymous said...

Gonna miss you lots after sem 5 :(

Anonymous said...

Gonna miss you lots after sem 5 :(

BaByStEpHiE said...

:(...yalor..i'll miss u guys too

sinlerongpo said...

i agree with you... time really flies... sigh...

Anonymous said...

This is great info to know.