Last Saturday, Naomi invited us over to her house to eat!! And it was a feast!! Thank you soo much. And her Thai housemate, Art cooked Tom Yam!! It was sooo delicious. Yummm~

This is Coca-Cola chicken. It tasted really great!! Although there is no Coke taste but it was sweet. Slrp.

These are mixed vegetables. With seafood!!! Lots and lots!!

We sat on the floor to eat. In Naomi's room.

Yew Wen and Zoe.

Li Li, Eric (their French housemate), and Boon (Naomi's Indian housemate)


French fries are delicious..

Zoe and Li Li.

TOM YAM!!!!!!!!!! Orgasmic.

Chicken. Cooked by the Thai housemate too. Seriously yummy.

After the dinner, they had some function elsewhere and I just decided to tag along and see. It was like a houseful or people! I mean it literally. And these are a few of the photos we took while we were there. We drank cider and some non-alcoholic beer that tasted like crap and ate free snacks. Haha.

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