Happy Mother's Day!!! to all mothers out there especially to my beloved mum. I know you are not reading this because you do not know that this exists.
But anyway, silently I would still want to convey you my best of wishes and to let you know that I am keeping you in prayer.
I want you to know that i love you very much, mum. :) (no matter how irritating your naggings may be)
ur mom stil doesn noe bout tis blog? hoh... bad gal... hahah
lol...as if i'm goin to let her noe..
Let her know Step,
I'm sure tears will be streaming down from her eyes filled with this emotions that only one will know when she read this. Imagine, her only daugther proclaiming her invaluable love to her only mother.
Okay, enough about the emotions things. I do agree, it is so akward if your family members actually read what you are writing. Just imagine when you are talking to your parents, your parents say something like this "I just read your blog and it's not that I dont like it, I just think that you should...".
Psst Step... I cant tag in your tagbox... Cant see any button to accept it.
i noe..its too big. nvm..i'll change the tagbox soon.. for now jus post comments la..
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