These are some photos that I've took or taken of me in Glasgow that I had not posted up...
So, this is sort of like a compilation of them all. Enjoy. :)
This is Ashton Lane. It has a lot of interesting shops.
This is Rumours. It's a Malaysian shop. And the food is not bad...
Some kids in kilt playing bagpipes. There are a a lot of performers on the street. And some of them are not bad at all. And some of them are really memorable. Maybe next time I should take some pictures of them...
Chinatown in Glasgow. Not that fantastic a place. But okay...
Cock branded banana in syrup. Such compatibility.Something sold in SeeWoo.
Looks like a church turned shopping place.This is taken on my way to my GP place.
Look!! Homer Simpson!!!!!!
This is how you wear them. Looks like Homer swallowing your feet! SO ADORABLE!! *squeak*
This is on my housemate's door. It was from this box.
This is a poster made by Lieo Jiun for his flat and is now resting on the door of the bathroom. SO, when you're sitting on the toilet shitting, this is what will be staring at you...
This is just a photo of me and Marc.
Antonio, me, Liying and Marc. This was a long time agoo....
This is Jamie!! And Lieo Jiun.
Jamie is a direct entry student like us IMU-ians. He's from St. Andrews and because of the introduction thing we had in the first 5 weeks of entering the uni, we all got to know each other better... and, coincidentally we are in the same posting to Ayr Hospital. And, to get there, we have to take a train which takes almost an hour to reach there. Yes, it's that far.
Jamie takes a newspaper on board.
Jamie, Zakhir, and Jennifer.
Jennifer is another of the St. Andrew's students. And she has a very strong and erm...unique personality but once you get to know her, I just got to respect her sometimes. She's got more balls than any other guys out there.
This is just some random picture of some students in the cafeteria preparing for someone's birthday surprise.
Antonio, Nicolo, me and Liying.
Us and Liying's friends in Pharmacy.
Liying's mum's cookings!!!!
Group pic when Liying's mum came. The one in purple.
This is when Han Ying came to visit.
Group pic!!
Sree made pancakes for breakfast!
Apple crumble. I made them!! Well, so far, that's the only thing that's kinda successful..
Naomi and Han Ying.
This is Helene posing with the drinking game shot glass.
I think I've introduced her before. Have I? She's Liying and Lieo Jiun's French housemate.
Liying and her shot glass.
The drinking snakes and ladders game.
I'm holding a cup of mulled wine. Mmmm. Keeps me warm.
Flowers at the Christmas Market.
Liying enjoying her chocolates.
I wanted to buy a banana covered chocolate. Yummy!!!!!!!
Alfred and Yew Wen. We were at the Partick Tavern chatting away.
Me, Naomi, Poyi and Chiyang.
Poker chips. Trying to be artsy and all..
Looks like ghost shadows... This is us playing poker.
Alfred was the dealer. Okay, we get it.
Poker set. Guess who's...
Ingredients for cake.
In the midst of it.
Naomi and Liying. Naomi actually rolled up hers to take a pic of short pants together. Funny la...
This is Edah.She's a direct entry student from Brunei. She's at Liying's place to bake a cake for Syukri's birthday, which is another student from Brunei.
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