Sunday, April 28, 2013

Week 28/04/13

I was off on Monday after night shifts. I was a busy night shift the night before/morning. And plus I was so griled at the Ortho Trauma Meeting on Monday as well, cause we had patients transferred from a different hospital and I never clerked them in. It was my mistake but it made me feel wholly shit.

Went to gym and then over to Ryan's. Went to watch movie later - we decided to watch Evil Dead.

Which was about this group of 5 people who was in this dilapidated cabin. One of them was going cold turkey on drugs. While they were there, the found that some burning and possibly witchcraft thing seemed to have been going on in the basement (cause they was some stench and they found blood stains at under the carpet). One of the guys found a book wrapped in plastic and secured with thorny wires but decided to stupidly open it anyway. It was like some Satanic book with decoded words and phrases which he decides to read out even though there was a page that says do not read the words....-_-''. So basically, he released some evil force which decided to take over the girl who was going off drugs and she was starting to act really weird, like in exorcism or something. Eventually, she started trying to kill the others and they locked her under the basement. But, the evil force spread to the rest and one by one, starting to become crazy. The guy who initially let the evil force out realised this and found that the only way to stop stop this is that the original possessed person needed to be purified either by being burnt, buried alive or dismemberment. So, in the end the brother of the possessed girl couldn't burn her in a fire and decided to bury her alive instead and then try to revive her with some makeshift defibrillator, which he actually succeeded. But before that, he was bitten by his other possessed friend and made his sister run and burn himself with the other guy and died. So, as the purified girl was about to run, it rained blood. Apparently, if the evil force got his way into 5 souls, it will rain blood and this one dead will arise from the ground and kill humans. Somehow, though a lot of ordeals and a cut of limb, this girl killed this evil dead with a chainsaw and went away. Thus, the end of the story.

To be honest, it was gory more than scary and was a bunch of malarkey.

Back to work on Tuesday. Found out that I missed a diagnosis of prostate cancer in a guy whom I didn't think to stick my finger in the backside to examine him as well. Felt even shitter. Then went for Body Jam that evening.

Work on Wednesday. Off on Thursday.

Was supposed to go to Aberdeen on Friday with Mr Dino but his classed were cancelled. :( Some students dropped out of his classes and there wasn't enough students in a class to keep it going. What a shame. So, was doing nothing much over the weekend.

Have to start looking for work and I was gotten involved in an audit as well. Which I need to finish some tomorrow. Argghhhh. And I want to start a small audit of my own as well. Which I need to think about what to do. Was feeling particularly down and moany on Friday. It had been a busy on call day and I felt like I wasn't doing good enough in terms of time management and I also decided to send a diabetic person with abscess home and return for drainage on Monday. But the consultant advised me against that as diabetic people are more prone to worsening abscesses.

Sometimes, I just feel like I'm not doing anything right at all. It's been one of those weeks where it's up and down and all over the place. Maybe next week would be slightly better.

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